
The following videos demonstrate some of the impacts of the Xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ Research Project, from conference presentations to community support videos.

xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ: Many Ways of Working Together

Drs Shahram and Horsethief discuss the Xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ Research Project history, the need for changes to research practices in Indigenous communities and the early methodology at the 2018 Rural Health Services Research Conference, May 31, 2018, Nelson BC. 

The Ktunaxa Research Models

Christopher discusses the Wing Model of Ktunaxa Culture, the One Heart methodology and the Many Ways method of reciprocal calibration. The video briefly describes these three Ktunaxa research tools, equates them to their Western counterparts, and describes Reconciliation as both open conversational space and support for Indigenous Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

Tips for Interviewing in Our Community

Here Christopher summarizes interviewing techniques developed by the Ktunaxa community and utilized in the the Xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂResearch Project. It should be understood that every interview with a Ktunaxa community member is a cultural interview, because the resources being exchanged contribute to perpetuation of our Ktunaxa culture.

Transforming Indigenous Research Discussions: From Subject to Participant

Christopher’s Cultural Resource Protection Summit Keynote focuses the role of the the Xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂResearch Project in documenting loss of traditional SMEs, replacement by non-Indigenous SMEs, the epistemic exploitation industry, and ongoing efforts to support current and future Ktunaxa experts.