Ktunaxa healthcare research project honoured at awards ceremony – My East Kootenay Now
The following links offer background on the xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ project methodology, ongoing community activities and press releases.
Pronunciation of Project Names
- Horsethief, C. (2021, May 2). xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ Pronunciation. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/544381773/3a34ab6a8f
Conference Keynotes & Presentations
- Horsethief, C. (May 12, 2021). Transforming Indigenous research discussions: From subject, to acknowledgement, to participant. Cultural Resources Protection Summit 2021 Keynote. Recording available from https://vimeo.com/548963235
- Horsethief, C. (October 7, 2021). Person-oriented Research from an Indigenous Perspective. Putting Patients First 2020 Keynote. October 7, 2020. https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/e1Axn6clQvyJ5jCcz49B
- Horsethief, C. (March 15, 2019). One Truth about Reconciliation: Indigenous Context and Nuance Matter. Learning Through Intercultural Intersections 2019 Keynote. March 15, 2019. https://vimeo.com/358554172/e10f666ac4
- Horsethief, C. (May 31, 2018). ʔuk̓niɬwiytiyaɬa: Reconciliation, in the age of reconciliation. 2018 Rural Health Services Research Conference Keynote. May 31, 2018. https://vimeo.com/273149613
- xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ (Many Ways of Working On the Same Thing): Sharing Lessons Learned through Community-Driven, Culturally-Informed Co-Learning and Co-Creation of Knowledge. Putting Patients First 2020 panel presentation. October 8, 2020. https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/7Cahs4wSIWhxx64fVyZu
- xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ (Many Ways of Working On the Same Thing) research project. 2018 Rural Health Services Research Conference presentation. May 31, 2018. https://vimeo.com/273150790
- Horsethief, C. (2021, June 9). Tips for interviewing Ktunaxa participants. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/561001356
- Horsethief, C. (2021, June 15). Three Ktunaxa research models. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/563549077
Press Releases
- Ktunaxa Nation Communications. (2021, May 25). xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ Receives British Columbia Reconciliation Award. Available from https://www.ktunaxa.org/media-release-xa%C8%BCqana%C7%82-%CA%94itkini%C7%82-receives-british-columbia-reconciliation-award/
- Ktunaxa Nation Communications. (2021, April 27). Ktunaxa Nation Council health research project receives $950,000 grant. Available from https://www.ktunaxa.org/2021/04/?cat=4
- BC Achievement Foundation. (2021, April 26). xaȼqanaǂ ʔitkiniǂ (Many Ways of Doing the Same Thing) Research Team. British Columbia Reconciliation Awardees Announced. Available from https://www.bcachievement.com/awardee/xa%c8%bcqana%c7%82-%ca%94itkini%c7%82-many-ways-of-doing-the-same-thing-research-team/