Team Members

Our Team of Systems Disruptors!

Dr. Christopher Horsethief (he/him), MA, PhD
The Methodologist Punk Rocker

AKA: Ktunaxa Nation Project Lead 

Primary Affiliation: Consultant, Ktunaxa Nation Council



  • Christopher is an organizational theorist, network analyst and language revitalization consultant. 
  • His research focuses on emergent phenomena in organizations, including complex adaptation and the social interactions that drive them.
  • Christopher’s TED Talk can be found here.
Dr. Sana Shahram (she/her), MPH, PhD
The Institutional Hoop Jumper

AKA: Nominated Principal Investigator & UBC Lead 

Primary Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia – Okanagan



  • Sana is the child of Iranian immigrants currently residing on Syilx (Okanagan Nation) territories (colonially known as Kelowna).
  • Sana’s research program focuses on understanding how we can transform systems (i.e. health, social, research systems) to work better for all of us to promote equitable health outcomes.
Hon. Sophie Pierre (she/her), LL.D (Hon.)
The Knower of All the Things

AKA: Elder Advisor 

Primary Affiliation: Hereditary Chief and Former Elected Chief, ʔaq’am



  • I am a member of ʔaq’am (St. Mary’s Band), and served on Council for 30 years, 26 as elected chief.
  • I am an Elder Advisor, Knowledge Holder, and language speaker for the Ktunaxa Nation and multiple research studies.
Dr. Bernie Pauly (she/her), RN, PhD
The Harm Reduction Maverick

AKA: UVic Lead & Harm Reduction Working Group Co-Lead

Primary Affiliation: Professor, University of Victoria



  • I am a third-generation settler of German ancestry, living and working on the unceded territories of the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples since 2000.
  • The primary focus of my research is promoting health and wellness through community led research that strengthens community responses to substance use and harm reduction.
Smokii Sumac (he/they), MA, PhD(c)
The Community Wrangler

AKA: 2SLGBTIA+ Inclusion Lead and Harm Reduction Working Group Co-Lead

Primary Affiliation: PhD Candidate, Trent University



  • Smokii is a Ktunaxa nation member from ʔakisqnuk First Nation. He is an intergenerational residential school survivor–both of his grandmothers attended Kootenay Indian Residential School, and his mother, Anna (Sam) Hudson, was part of the “Sixties Scoop.” He is also an adoptee, and was raised by Chief Barb Cote of the Shuswap Indian Band. 
  • Smokii is a poet and playwright, and has a book of poetry available here 
  • The project Smokii is most proud of is a poetry animation on CBC gem that was translated into the Ktunaxa language. Watch it here.
Ms. Alex Kent (she/her), MPH, PhD(c)
The Chewy Centre

AKA: Project Coordinator & Incoming Postdoctoral Fellow

Primary Affiliation: PhD Candidate, Simon Fraser University



  • Alex is a fifth-generation settler of British and Dutch ancestry, currently residing on Syilx territories (colonially known as Kelowna).
  • Alex brings 12 years of experience in project management, as well as research expertise in cultural safety, anti-oppression, anti-colonial methodologies, patient-oriented research, knowledge translation, and implementation science.
Shaunee Keyes, MA(c)

Project Role: Youth Internship Coordinator and Intergenerational Working Group Co-Lead

Primary Affiliation: Master’s Student, Yorkville University



  • Shaunee is mixed settler, Cree, and Metis from what is now called Manitoba. She has lived the majority of her life in ʔamakis ktunaxa and is honoured to be a part of ktunaxa community. 
  • Shaunee seeks to support community wellness through helping to reduce the intergenerational and systemic impacts that result in crisis and trauma.
Ms. Jen Driscoll (she/her), MA(c)
The Reducer of Harm

Project Role: Interior Health Collaborator & Harm Reduction Working Group Co-Lead

Primary Affiliation: Regional Harm Reduction Coordinator, Interior Health



  • Jen is a second generation White settler with Scandinavian ancestry. She currently lives as an uninvited guest on Ktunaxa Nation territory in Kukamaʔnam, colonially known as Kimberley.
  • Jen has 15 years experience working as a front line mental health nurse in the field of harm reduction. This experience has provided a range of collaborative opportunities including working alongside people with lived and living experience of substance use.
Ms. Kris Murray (she/her), MSc
The Systems Navigator

Project Role: Interior Health Collaborator

Primary Affiliation: Corporate Director – Aboriginal Health & Wellness, Interior Health



  • Kris is Métis, with roots in the Red River Settlement area of what is now Manitoba. She lives as an uninvited guest in Ktunaxa territory and is a member of the Rocky Mountain Métis Association and Citizen of Métis Nation BC. 
  • Kris has experience in decolonizing public policy, health systems transformation, and creating safe spaces for health care